środa, 26 sierpnia 2015

Monkey Talk

                                 Photo/Makeup -makeover : Artmission AK, Model: Aylin

   It was a longer break for us guys but in next weeks I will catch you up with all news.
The reason why I didn't keep you guys with fresh posts was the fact that in last few months I
made my dreams come true and I took part in one of courses in Cinema Makeup School.
One of best experiences in my life - that I can guarantee you guys for sure!
My main goal and final work for those claesses was to change my team partner by small details
made by Foam Latex. To be honest when we started life catsing I didn't know what to do exactly.
If I should change shape of forehead and eyebrows...or made a good nose job....
I had all week to figured out what I want to do... and I found my theme. Double chin.
Really often people with Double Chins are fat. I didn't want to make Aylin as a XXXXXXLGirl.
Why? In my group there were few girls who decided to create really Chumby Person and to get that goal they needed to make double chin. Thats why I wanted to do something slightly different - to keep Aylins personality but just change her beautyful face. Besides Double chin I change an end of Aylins nose.

I'm quite satisfy about my work it was really chalanging to find Aylins skin tone by Splashing Method ( basicly you need spray alkohol colours by using your finger and brush) but in the end I felt amazing that from really good looking slim girl I created a little bit older, bigger person.
What realy suprised me was a respond of few people for my work. I posted this image on few facebook groups and there were some people who missunderstood this work by thinking it's a beauty makeup  and they were upset that Aylin look like a person after 50. I don't know if I should feel happy that they didn't notcis that she is wearing foam latex or I should feel sad that they didn't saw a difference in her face shape. I'm not saying that everybody suddenly needs to like what I did but not every makeup work it's in beauty/fashion style! I post so many different projects online that to be honest criticism by other people never hurt me to much - I'm trying to motivated myself more by them (of crouse I would be lieing by saying it don't slap my ego ). 

I'm just curious what it's a real deal - do you see a difference in a Face Shape but you just still don't like it because it's not that kind of make-up work you like to follow... or you didn't notcis to much work here and you missed that up with realy bad beauty makeup work?

As always more work of Artmission you can see here:
soon I will post some Beauty/Fashion photos from my last few projects I was working on before summer break! Stay tuned! 

And here few photos from working on final Foam Latex Mask  for Aylin ;)