niedziela, 22 listopada 2015

Bigger Picture

Photo: Kameleon Photography Kasia Matejczuk, Model: Grodon, MUA: Artmission AK

As a freelance Makeup artist you need to struggle with many things. How to get touch with potential clients,
photographers, models, designers. How to survive those months where is not so much to do...
but even if a Freelance it;s not for everybody I need to say I enjoy every day of it. Why?
During last 3 years I had a chance to grown as an artist. I know how often I'm emphasizing how awesome it is to meet new
people but it's really building amazing feeling. Because how many of us have a gift to communicate with
different kind of people and build with them small team, family for maximum one week or minimum few hours. Normally
people don't think about it but it's not easy to get out to totall strangers, find common topic and just open
your skills, sould etc. When someone is thinking about for example about Models job - no body it;s thinking that
for those few hours they need not only share their body but also they need to find a way to communicate and
try to feel comfortable around other people to look good in front of camera. The same way it's with us
makeup artist. We need to find a way, to be able to talk with others and make them feel commfy around you.
it's not always easy specialy if your third language you try to speak in it's not perfect but untill you are trying
you should know you are on good path! Thats why I love what I'm doing ... because how many people can say
"I tried" to open myself for a totall strangers?!

niedziela, 8 listopada 2015

Mandu - Tochter Berlin

Photo: Anne Herzmensch, Model: Maria Kn Knofe Designer: Tochter Berlin, Surreflections
When you first move to big city you are scared how you will find yourself in this huge ocean. After while you will realise that huge ocean was just a small lake and Fear had big eyes. After 3 years of living in Berlin and working there I realise how fashion - beauty industrie in this town it's small -everybody almost know each other ... or they were working together or they have the same friends.
With Mina I met by accident - she was searching for MUA to make some test shots of her collection for Project MANDU TRAP. First thing that I really liked about her collection was that she is making clothes that emphasize our feminin side. Right now it's so many unisex designs and clothes shapes thats its hard to buy something simply but still with charm. But thanks god we have Mina and also her new project called Tochter Berlin. I really recommend you guys to search for her on facebook!

As always all works of Artmission you can find here:ś-mission-215159385174903/timeline

poniedziałek, 26 października 2015

My life - meet awesome people by accedent.

The main positive thing in my job is that you always meet new creative, amazing people.
It could't be different also this time!
I love Italian people - not only for their energy and positive wibes but also how easy is to get a long with them and ... have fun!
Niccolo and his crew came to Berlin just for few days to make some amazing projects!
It was intensive time for all of us but for me... it was really special Photo shoot because it was the last project I did before my trip to USA. So I had to chance not only...spend time with new people and end some good seaons with amazing crew but I also had a chance to say good buy to all those favourite by touritst places that I adore in Berlin - I need to say even more. Thanks to them and this photo shoot I end some kind of Era for me and I started new experiences that I'm into it even right now!

Photo: Niccolo Chimenti, Model: Amelie S, Stylist: Lisa Filippini, MUA: Artmission

Nicc it's amazing photografer, he maybe have style that not all people are fun of it but I don't care if someone don't like what we did together because in my opinion we did all awesome job and a result it's unique!
Lisa - our stylist for first day of Photo shoot prepare in really short time amazing outfits... that Nadia or Amelie looked stunning!
In the next day we worked with amazing Lena Quist - sweden Godess with amazing brilliant brain! I love the way she is talking about her collection and how much she love what she is doing and both girls that she dressed up - Caro and Svenja looked great! By the way it was awesome to work with two girls with such a huge SUN in their heart <3

poniedziałek, 21 września 2015

What whould you say...

Photo: Lucy Alcorn, Model: Lea M, MUA: Artmission 

I talked how I met Lucy Alcorn, how much fun we had on our projects. I don’t know what else could be said- besides “ Lucy Berlin miss you J
I needed still to share this work with you guys and write few more words about how thankful I’m that I met so many awesome people. Maybe half of them I will never met again but still…if you can chance to share even few moment with creative people it’s not sad thing!
All of us want’s to have many close friends, have much of fun and do something AWESOME.
I’m a lonely wolf and even if I love to be with watts I don’t like to over sit to long. It’s not because I don’t appricate that someone would like to keep me for longer time… it’s just the fact that for a bigger part of my life my journey learned me to be intepedned be by my own… and now how to survive. Of course I love to keep one person close to me but I don’t need crowed of people to prove me that I’m valuable.
I don’t know if anybody from people I worked with will read this post but as always I want to thank them and even if we didn’t talk ..even once in last 3 months it’s not meaning that I don’t remember your names or I don’t think once in a while about our projects, because with time thanks to all of them my experience grown bigger!
Remember folks, even enemies made us stronger and learned something!

niedziela, 13 września 2015

Good Times.

                      Photo: Phine Ka, Model: Anouk Viva Berlin Models, MUA: Artmission

Phine visited Berlin for few days but that didn't stop her to make something creative here.
I need to say it’s so nice to work with people who are calm, creative and friendly! It’s building totally awesome atmosphere. Work of Make-up Artist it’s not always easy – time it’s the biggest enemy – you need to be quick as much is possible but good and accurate. Thanks to Phine I think first time in my life I didn't feel stress out or worry that I will not make it, she is so easy to talk with that even if normally like to be focus and you don’t talk so much during job believe me you would open for her like I did!
We had tho really busy schedule at that day, no bigger break and two models on different hours.
It was also interesting because Phine’s partner Mark was making small videos of our backstage work,
That’s why time had a big meaning for us. I’m so sad that Phine it’s based in UK and we can not work with each other every day! But I hope that someday in the future we will have chance to meet again!

You can check out more of Phine Ka work on her funpage:

More of Artmission work you can see:ś-mission-215159385174903

środa, 26 sierpnia 2015

Monkey Talk

                                 Photo/Makeup -makeover : Artmission AK, Model: Aylin

   It was a longer break for us guys but in next weeks I will catch you up with all news.
The reason why I didn't keep you guys with fresh posts was the fact that in last few months I
made my dreams come true and I took part in one of courses in Cinema Makeup School.
One of best experiences in my life - that I can guarantee you guys for sure!
My main goal and final work for those claesses was to change my team partner by small details
made by Foam Latex. To be honest when we started life catsing I didn't know what to do exactly.
If I should change shape of forehead and eyebrows...or made a good nose job....
I had all week to figured out what I want to do... and I found my theme. Double chin.
Really often people with Double Chins are fat. I didn't want to make Aylin as a XXXXXXLGirl.
Why? In my group there were few girls who decided to create really Chumby Person and to get that goal they needed to make double chin. Thats why I wanted to do something slightly different - to keep Aylins personality but just change her beautyful face. Besides Double chin I change an end of Aylins nose.

I'm quite satisfy about my work it was really chalanging to find Aylins skin tone by Splashing Method ( basicly you need spray alkohol colours by using your finger and brush) but in the end I felt amazing that from really good looking slim girl I created a little bit older, bigger person.
What realy suprised me was a respond of few people for my work. I posted this image on few facebook groups and there were some people who missunderstood this work by thinking it's a beauty makeup  and they were upset that Aylin look like a person after 50. I don't know if I should feel happy that they didn't notcis that she is wearing foam latex or I should feel sad that they didn't saw a difference in her face shape. I'm not saying that everybody suddenly needs to like what I did but not every makeup work it's in beauty/fashion style! I post so many different projects online that to be honest criticism by other people never hurt me to much - I'm trying to motivated myself more by them (of crouse I would be lieing by saying it don't slap my ego ). 

I'm just curious what it's a real deal - do you see a difference in a Face Shape but you just still don't like it because it's not that kind of make-up work you like to follow... or you didn't notcis to much work here and you missed that up with realy bad beauty makeup work?

As always more work of Artmission you can see here:ś-mission/215159385174903  
soon I will post some Beauty/Fashion photos from my last few projects I was working on before summer break! Stay tuned! 

And here few photos from working on final Foam Latex Mask  for Aylin ;)


wtorek, 16 czerwca 2015


MUA:: Agata Karaś (Artmission AK :ś-mission/215159385174903), Fotograf: Robert Kujawa ( ), Modelka: Magdalena Szynkowska
( ), Stylistka: Sonia Włoszyńska ( ), Retuszer: Johannes Spann (

I got in touch with Robert by accednt. I have my portfolio on Carbonmade it's a american Domain where you can't meet to many people from Europe and for sure not to many from Poland. 
I really liked his work. Maybe he didn't had a huge experience but for sure he knows how to use hisunique skills to build some good images! When we decided to cooperate I knew I will have only one day to prepare this shoot and I decide that if we want to make something unique it will be great to organise amazing Stylist a few girls where we could play with different make-up and different moods! All team was really exited and tired after 10 hours of shooting all of us couldn't wait to see finall results....
We wait a long time to see what we build together. It wasn't one of those stupid situation when someone needed to work over an year to make retouch... it's also not a story about someone who screw other people up. It's post about someone who fight and wait really long time to get up on his feet and proove that even a sickness can motivate people to build their dreams and passion!
Few months after our shoot Robert the main Photographer get sick. It was like a rollercoster because every once in a while he was giving me some signs about his health it was all the time few weeks of good recover and another few of total weakness and worse scenerios.
Finally after one year he found someone doctors who finally get a clue what was wrong and they helped him. I need to say that in the end I even forgot about this shoot and photos. It was obvious for me that he neds to focus on totally different things right now and I had my own work to do. But one day Robert suprised me with an email where he sended me a selection of Magdas photos. We together choose and found a Retoucher who gladly helped us to retouch our work. For Robert it was hard to love in 100% Johannes work and I totaly get that. When you have your baby... you don't want other people to rase it.. you want to take care about it by yourself. Thats why Robert decided that the rest of girls he will retouch by himself and I'm happy that he want to do it. 

Guys in next 3 months probably I will not write any new post but I promise after I will come back from my holiday time... I will suprise you with new stories for sure!


poniedziałek, 25 maja 2015

Because her name is Flower.

Photo : Anna Blume, Designer: Elise Nyborg, Model: Larissa Besch, MUA: Artmission

I met Anna in 2014 thanks to one of designers I worked with at that time.
My first impression about her was really positive. I need to say it's not always easy for me to speak in German. I need really often focus what I'm trying to say and watch out if I'm not making to many grammar mistakes - and believe me or not it's really easy to do it! With Anna every meeting was a huge pleasure not only I'm not worry to much about my German skills (they are two kinds of German people those who speak super fast with weird intonation and those ones that I understand in 95% and they make me feel comfortable and one of them is for sure Anna! ) but also I'm always sure it will be nice easy going project. She is always emphasizing that every shot she is making it's made with that kind of feeling that she sees in this displayed moment. I think it's also importent for Photographers to not only focusing on all parametres but also to look deeper in their soul and show their own style! And without emotions it's not possible!

We worked with Anna on 4 projects since this one year. Really often on some Fashion Projects. I need to say she not only have good eye on classic design shots but also on those really creative art fashion clothes!

Very often when I'm thinking about Anna's name, I'm thinking how much it fit to her style!
Blume in German means Flower in Polish Kwiat. When I'm observing her work sometimes I have a feeling that without this feminin, light vibes that she have, her work will look totally different.

You can see more of Anna work here: ( and you can find her on facebook to!

poniedziałek, 11 maja 2015


             Photo: Lucy Alcorn, Models: Gracy Nitschke, Celine Bechler, MUA: Artmission

I wrote about my colaboration with Lucy one time. It's not only worth to see her work
( but also consider to work with her not only as a photographer but also as a retoucher.
The funny part is I was quite sure I wrote few notes  how awesome experience was to work with her and it was a bad suprise when I realise how short and not effective notes it was.
When I started to write this blog my mean goal was to introduce you guys people with who
I'm working with. To show u how big influance for all artist have people around them.
It's hard to write good and interesting posts specialy if you have bunch of work to do and your
vein it's not so  abundance. So guys I promise to do better and write you only longer, more specyfic posts where you can try to met people that I do during my work - but in the same time it could be once in a while - I have bunch of fotos to upload and introduce you many interesting people but one thing in a time!

I realy admire people who cross all over the world to search for their dreams. I'm by myself a small travel freak so when someone it's throwing reality behind and pack suitcause to live a moment I have a huge respect for that. You can say that it's crazy and risky - I will say "Well 90% of people on this planet try to stick to Save Plan and 80% of them wish to live by other live ". One of those persons is Lucy. Even if right now she needed to come back to her Sunny and warm Australia, she spend almost one year in Berlin by herself. We had together really simillar experience - we both had problems to find regular job, money don't grows on trees so after time people around you don't understand why you don't get out so often to party or explore city -specialy if you living in Berlin where all young people love to hang out outside etc etc. But besides those dificulties she find her own way to survive here, to create new projects and explore life.
I don't have any clue if she will read this post but I just know how hard days sometimes she had here and I want to let her know that Berlin it's not the same without her in town ;) 

I had a chance to work with Lucy 4 times and one of my favourites photo shoots that I did last year it was with her. 
Today I present you Crime Team with Gracy and Celine. Lucy had qute easy job this time. Girls exacly knew what they want to achive in this project. They prepared their clothes by themselfs they e knew what kind of story they will try to show. It was cool to observe a real frienship that grows with every scene to give u a clue what kind of imagination could have young girls.

Since last few weeks I feel like Newborn. With every new Project it's starting to grow inside of me new way of persepctive on my job. In the begining, when I stared my joruney with Makeup,  it was the idea of helping some girls to showing them that beauty have bunch of names. Then I started to dream about some art projects where the mean goal was to increase the level of difficulty and suprise people what human hands and mind can do. I had also a phase when even a small, simply makeups gave me pleasure because all I cared about it was doing my job. Right now I don't want to do only those things I wrote... I want to show some story, evolution from point A to point B. 
Who knows what kind of phase I will have in next year or in 10 years. Can't wait what new waits for me!